Evaluation criteria

Many creative and cultural companies are Park’s members, now. At first if they want to enter, have to send request to will be member in the park, there is an enter process. After acceptance meeting, the council of the Park analyze them. If a company can be a member of park it can be start his work immediately. The time process is short. Every company can be in the park, around 3 – 5 years. In these years, evaluation council analyze companies and has some services for them such as: some physical services like office, meeting salon, scientific consultation, general consultation, holding an event, present and visit exhibitions, networking, and other services in their businesses. They have analyzed and evaluated every 6 month. Evaluation criteria are Consonance of company activities subject with Park, Innovation degree, Technological degree, production complication and URL. Evaluation report have presented to them. They can understand their strengths and weaknesses.