Iran’s Technology Situation (A Brief)

Iran has a good position in the technology development, so that has developed more than before these years. Reports indicate recently that innovation ecosystem represents one of the main components of the digital economy in Iran. Review of Iran’s global digital and innovation indexes and indicator ratings shows very promising improvements in the field.

The Global Innovation Index 2022 examines 132 economies worldwide regarding their innovative strength. Based on the 80 selected criteria, a wide range of different subject areas are examined in the respective countries to create a ranking based on the results obtained. Iran ranks 62nd among the 132 economies featured in the GII 2023. Iran ranks 6th among the 37 lower-middle-income group economies and 2nd among the 10 economies in Central and Southern Asia.

In the past decade, Iran’s startup ecosystem has experienced significant growth, the number of startups in Iran has grown rapidly, focusing on local solutions to problems such as transportation, e-commerce, and healthcare. The ecosystem has also seen the emergence of several startup accelerators, venture capital firms, and co-working spaces to support the growth of startups.

Knowledge-based Companies are another companies in Iran, in just eleven years, the number of such companies increased from 55 in 2013 to 9559 as of June, 2024. There are categories based technology, such as: 

Some other companies based on innovation and creation are working in Iran, such as Innovation centers, Creative Companies, Creative and Innovation Houses, House of Innovation and Technology. Also Iran High-Tech Laboratory Network (called LabsNet) is another center that is developing science and technology and creating the effective communication between laboratories and researchers by sharing infrastructures and providing the universities and industrial researchers with laboratory services. Based on its report serves more than 1500 public and private laboratories in Iran. These laboratories include universities (45%), institutes and research centers (19%), companies (35%), and technology parks and incubators (1%).

Iran has a good position in technological growth that creative and cultural contexts can improve its strength. Reports indicates Iran’s situation such as culture, history, whole of sciences, geography can help technological development specially. So most of companies and startups are working as international companies.

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